• If the customer cancels the order while the goods have been packed, a restocking fee of 30% of the order price will be charged to cover the restocking fee and refund fee.
  • If the customer cancels the purchase while the goods have been delivered, then the transaction cannot be canceled.
  • To submit a claim, please email us at by attaching a purchase invoice along with an unboxing video.
  • Claims do not apply to the condition of items that have been used, damaged due to buyer error / carelessness / damage caused by the shipping party and without original packaging.
  • After receiving confirmation from us, send the item to us in its original packaging, please pack the item as safely as possible to prevent damage during shipping. The refund process will be processed within 15 working days.
  • Customers may exchange the same item or an item of higher value as long as it has not been packed or shipped. The customer is responsible for paying the price difference.
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